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Is the new proposal of Pisando Ovos aimed at the new scenic languages, in the key of contemporary creation, in which the concert is shown as a way of meeting of the current society, and which invites all attendees to vibrate together.


The creation of the company returns to one of the most important points of his work: the total delivery of the bodies from the actions and daily movements, this time from the rebound and the jump. This choreographic investigation revolves around the harshness of the extreme physical states that move towards a poetic composition through the remains of movement and the personal essences that appear in the dancers.


The dialog artist / masses, DJ / bodies, music / movement, is integrated into a night or concert environment by means of the light proposal and the strong commitment to live music.

For the creator, the premiere of this show is part of the trilogy composed by Que volvan as flores (2014), Give it a spin (2015) and Directo 9 (2018), revolving around electronic music and the physical wear of bodies live.


The bodies that attend the DIRECTO 9 concert live a group experience. As if it were the bodies of some athletes, they take the bodies to meet physical limits, wear and extreme fatigue.

The meeting is guided by the music of the DJ that takes the masses in a ritual process towards the mimesis of a common leap, towards lack of control and total surrender.

Once the climax of the concert is over, the intimate and personal contact with the empty bodies, making them more fragile, more transparent.

In the hardness of the landscape that can be seen, the beauty of humanity germinates.


Creation and direction
Rut Balbís
Assistant director
Janet Novás
Creation and performers
Fran Martínez
Jas Processor
Raúl Pulido

Paula Quintas / Laura Villanueva

Lighting design
Afonso Castro
Sound and graphic design
Jas Processor
Production and management
Manu Lago · Galicia Danza Contemporánea
Promotional video
Teatro Ensalle de Vigo

Centro Dramático Galego
Galicia Danza Contemporánea

Centro Coreográfico Galego - AGADIC - Xunta de Galicia

Directo 9 was premiered on October 3, 4, 5 and 6, 2018 at the Teatro Ensalle in Vigo and played at TRC Danza in Teatro Rosalía in A Coruña.

Directo 9 was selected to Platea 2019 programme and Cantabria Escena PRO.

Because, in some way, this DIRECTO 9 shows us that the rhythmic impulses of direct, of the living arts, their humidity, their vital contagion, can never be replaced by the virtual arts or by the virtual world.

Afonso Becerra - Artezblai Magazine


The most interesting thing about Directo 9 is precisely that the company of Rut Balbís obliges the public to observe from a place that no longer relies exclusively on reasoning and that must be confronted, also, from corporality. Try to start a dialogue in which waiting is transformed into something closer to an instinctive complicity, to listen and feel without needing a concept that involves the agreement.

Manuel xestoso - Erregueté Magazine

The truth is that a concert is a great party and also, increasingly, our parties have to do with the macroconcert .... The new participative forms and the proliferation of the concerts indicate a spectacularization and increasing specialization of the surroundings of the party, mediated by new conventions, sound technologies and interpretation styles ...

At present, the masses, we need to be crossed by experiences, by stories or by actions that return our emotions. Modern society, disconnected from the values of the family, group or community, still needs to meet in search of these community acts, perhaps more linked to entertainment and community enjoyment.

It is undeniable that there is a power in music to move people and induce a common experience. We have thus in mind the image of a mass of Saltanto bodies, moving the arms, vibrating in the same direction.

Francisco Cruces

© 2020 by Manu Lago.  Pisando Ovos all rights reserved.


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